Source code for aiml.load_data.load_set


This script is responsible for loading the test dataset for model evaluation.

from aiml.surrogate_model.utils import load_cifar10
from datasets import list_datasets
from datasets import load_dataset
import torchvision as tv

[docs] def load_test_set(test_set): """ Load a test dataset. Parameters: dataset (dataset or string): Given a string, it will search for the target dataset. Returns: dataset: The loaded test dataset. """ if type(test_set) == type("a"): if test_set == "cifar10": test_set = load_cifar10(train=False, require_normalize=True) elif train_set =="mnist": train_set=tv.datasets.MNIST('./data', download=True, train=False) elif train_set == "cifar100": train_set = tv.datasets.CIFAR100('./data', download=True, train=False) else: try: test_set = load_dataset(path=test_set, split='test') print("we find the test set on huggingface") except: print("Currently we cannot find the test dataset you input. you can call huggingface_hub.list_datasets to see the whole valiable set") return None return test_set
[docs] def load_train_set(train_set): """ Load a training dataset. Parameters: dataset (dataset or string): Given a string, it will search for the target dataset. Returns: dataset: The loaded training dataset. """ if type(train_set) == type("a"): if train_set == "cifar10": train_set = tv.datasets.CIFAR10('./data', download=True, train=True) elif train_set =="mnist": train_set=tv.datasets.MNIST('./data', download=True, train=True) elif train_set == "cifar100": train_set = tv.datasets.CIFAR100('./data', download=True, train=True) else: try: train_set = load_dataset(path=train_set, split='train') print("we find the train set on huggingface") except: print("Currently we cannot find the train dataset you input. you can call huggingface_hub.list_datasets to see the whole valiable set") return None return train_set