Source code for aiml.load_data.generate_parameter


This module provides a function for generating parameters based on input dataset.

import torch
import numpy as np

[docs] def generate_parameter( input_shape, clip_values, nb_classes, dataset_test, dataloader_test ): """ Generate the image shape, clip values, and number of classes based on the input dataset. Parameters: input_shape (numpy array): Image shape; if given (not None), it will remain unchanged. clip_values (tuple): Data range; if given (not None), it will remain unchanged. nb_classes (int): Number of classes; if given (not None), it will remain unchanged. dataset_test: The input dataset for reference. dataloader_test: DataLoader for the input dataset. Returns: tuple: A tuple containing (input_shape, clip_values, nb_classes). """ if input_shape == None: (x, y) = next(iter(dataset_test)) input_shape = np.array(x.size()) if clip_values == None: global_min = np.inf global_max = (-1) * np.inf s = 0 n = 0 b = True for batch in dataloader_test: x, _ = batch if b: b = False global_min = min(torch.min(x).item(), global_min) global_max = max(torch.max(x).item(), global_max) clip_values = (global_min, global_max) if nb_classes == None: # use set to get unique classes list1 = set([y for _, y in dataset_test]) nb_classes = len(list1) return (input_shape, clip_values, nb_classes)