Source code for aiml.evaluation.evaluate


This module provides the evaluate function which will evaluate the model
with the given data and attack methods.

import torch
import os
import datetime
from art.estimators.classification import PyTorchClassifier

from aiml.load_data.generate_parameter import generate_parameter
from aiml.load_data.normalize_datasets import normalize_and_check_datasets, check_normalize
from aiml.attack.attack_evaluation import attack_evaluation
from aiml.evaluation.check_accuracy import check_accuracy
from aiml.evaluation.dynamic import decide_attack
from aiml.surrogate_model.create_surrogate_model import create_surrogate_model
from aiml.load_data.load_model import load_model
from aiml.load_data.load_set import load_test_set
from aiml.load_data.load_set import load_train_set

[docs] def evaluate( input_model, input_test_data, input_train_data=None, input_shape=None, clip_values=None, nb_classes=None, batch_size_attack=64, num_threads_attack=0, batch_size_train=64, batch_size_test=64, num_workers=int(os.cpu_count() / 2), require_n=3, dry=False, attack_para_list=[ [[0.03], [0.06], [0.13],[0.25]], [[0.03], [0.06], [0.13],[0.25]], [[0], [10], [100]], [[0], [10], [100]], [[0], [10], [100]], [[1e-06]], [[100]], [[0.03], [0.06], [0.13],[0.25]], [[0], [10], [100]], ], ): """ Evaluate the model's performance using the provided data and attack methods. Parameters: input_model (str or model): A string of the name of the machine learning model or the machine learning model itself. input_test_data (str or dataset): A string of the name of the testing dataset or the testing dataset itself. input_train_data (str or dataset, optional): A string of the name of the training dataset or the training dataset itself (default is None). input_shape (tuple, optional): Shape of input data (default is None). clip_values (tuple, optional): Range of input data values (default is None). nb_classes (int, optional): Number of classes in the dataset (default is None). batch_size_attack (int, optional): Batch size for attack testing (default is 64). num_threads_attack (int, optional): Number of threads for attack testing (default is 0). batch_size_train (int, optional): Batch size for training data (default is 64). batch_size_test (int, optional): Batch size for test data (default is 64). num_workers (int, optional): Number of workers to use for data loading (default is half of the available CPU cores). require_n(int, optional): the number of adversarial images for each class. dry (bool, optional): When True, the code should only test one example. attack_para_list (list, optional): List of parameter combinations for the attack. Returns: None. """ # Load model and data now_time= now_time=str(now_time) for i in range(len(now_time)): if now_time[i]==":": break now_time=now_time[:i] print("the time you run the program is",now_time) device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") input_model = load_model(input_model,device) input_test_data = load_test_set(input_test_data) model = input_train_data = load_train_set(input_train_data) dataset_test, dataset_train, dataloader_test, dataloader_train = normalize_and_check_datasets( num_workers, batch_size_test, batch_size_train, input_test_data, input_train_data) surrogate_model = None # Check if the user wants to create surrogate model if dataset_train: print("Creating the surrogate model. This may take a long time.") # Check if the testing dataset is normalized if not check_normalize(dataloader_train): raise Exception( "Failed to normalized training dataset. Please normalize it manually." ) surrogate_model = create_surrogate_model( model, dataloader_train, dataloader_test ) print("Surrogate model created successfully.") acc_train = check_accuracy(model, dataloader_train, device) print(f"Train accuracy: {acc_train * 100:.2f}%") # Check if the testing dataset is normalized if not check_normalize(dataloader_test): raise Exception( "Failed to normalized testing dataset. Please normalize it manually." ) acc_test = check_accuracy(model, dataloader_test, device) print(f"Test accuracy: {acc_test * 100:.2f}%") input_shape, clip_values, nb_classes = generate_parameter( input_shape, clip_values, nb_classes, dataset_test, dataloader_test ) if surrogate_model: model_to_use = surrogate_model else: model_to_use = model classifier = PyTorchClassifier( model=model_to_use, clip_values=clip_values, loss=None, optimizer=None, input_shape=input_shape, nb_classes=nb_classes, ) result_list = [] b = True current_attack_n, para_n, b = decide_attack( result_list, attack_para_list=attack_para_list,now_time=now_time,ori_acc=acc_test ) while b: result_list += [ [ current_attack_n, para_n, attack_evaluation( current_attack_n, para_n, model, classifier, dataset_test, batch_size_attack, num_threads_attack, device, nb_classes, require_n, dry=dry, attack_para_list=attack_para_list, now_time=now_time ), ] ] print(result_list) current_attack_n, para_n, b= decide_attack( result_list, attack_para_list=attack_para_list,now_time=now_time,ori_acc=acc_test ) print(result_list)