Source code for aiml.attack.attack_evaluation


This module contains a function attack_evaluation that use the inputted 
attack method and parameter, generate adversarial images by changing the
given images a little using adversarial attack. Then output the images 
into the "img" folder and return accuracy.

import os

import torch
from import DataLoader
from import TensorDataset
import torchvision.transforms as T
import numpy as np

from aiml.load_data.normalize_datasets import denormalize
from aiml.evaluation.check_accuracy import check_accuracy_with_flags
from aiml.attack.adversarial_attacks import (

[docs] def attack_evaluation( attack_n, para_n, model, classifer, dataset, batch_size_attack, num_threads_attack, device, nb_classes, require_n=3, dry=False, attack_para_list=[ ], now_time="0" ): """ Check the performance of adversarial attack methods against the ML model. Parameters: attack_n (int): Attack number (0 to 7). para_n (int): Parameter number for selecting a combination of attack parameters. model (MLModel): The machine learning model. classifier (PytorchClassifier): The PyTorch classifier defined using the ART library. dataset: The dataset to be modified with adversarial attacks. batch_size_attack (int): Parameter for adversarial images data loader. num_threads_attack (int): Parameter for adversarial images data loader. device (str): "cpu" or "gpu". nb_classes (int): The number of possible labels. require_n (int): For every label, how many images marked as this label will be modified to get adversarial images. dry (bool): When True, the code only tests one example. attack_para_list (list): List of parameter combinations for the attack. now_time(string):program start time Returns: float: Accuracy of the classifier on the adversarial examples as a percentage (1 = 100%). """ attack_method_list = [ [ 0, auto_projected_cross_entropy, attack_para_list[0], "auto_projected_cross_entropy", ["eps","batch", "eps_step"], ], [ 1, auto_projected_difference_logits_ratio, attack_para_list[1], "auto_projected_difference_logits_ratio", ["eps","batch", "eps_step"], ], [ 2, carlini_L0_attack, attack_para_list[2], "carlini_L0_attack", [ "confidence", "batch", "learning_rate", ], ], [ 3, carlini_L2_attack, attack_para_list[3], "carlini_L2_attack", [ "confidence", "batch", "learning_rate", ], ], [ 4, carlini_Linf_attack, attack_para_list[4], "carlini_Linf_attack", [ "confidence", "batch", "learning_rate", ], ], [ 5, deep_fool_attack, attack_para_list[5], "deep_fool_attack", ["epsilon","batch", "max_iter"], ], [ 6, pixel_attack, attack_para_list[6], "pixel_attack", ["max_iter"], ], [ 7, square_attack, attack_para_list[7], "square_attack", ["eps","batch", "max_iter"], ], [ 8, zoo_attack, attack_para_list[8], "zoo_attack", [ "confidence", "batch", "learning_rate", "max_iter", ], ], ] """ attack_method_list contains all eight adversarial attack methods used. Each entry in the list is a sublist that represents an attack method: - The first element is the attack number. - The second element is the attack function. - The third element is a list of parameter combinations. - The fourth element is the name of the attack. - The fifth element is the parameter name for every combination of parameters. For example, for the 'auto_projected_cross_entropy' attack method: - The attack number is 0. - The attack function is 'auto_projected_cross_entropy'. - There are three possible parameter choices: batch=16, batch=20, or batch=32. """ para = attack_method_list[attack_n][2][para_n] # Get parameter """ Generate attack object with attack function. The parameter of the attack function is pytorch classifer and given parameter. """ if len(para) == 1: attack = attack_method_list[attack_n][1](classifer, para[0]) elif len(para) == 2: attack = attack_method_list[attack_n][1](classifer, para[0], para[1]) elif len(para) == 3: attack = attack_method_list[attack_n][1]( classifer, para[0], para[1], para[2]) else: attack = attack_method_list[attack_n][1]( classifer, para[0], para[1], para[2], para[3] ) X = [] # Store the tensors of images y = [] # Store the corresponding labels of images require_y = [ require_n ] * nb_classes # Create a list to record how many images are needed for each label i = 0 enough = False while not enough: # Stop the loop when all elements in require_y are zero or all dataset images are processed a, b = dataset[i] i += 1 if i >= len(dataset) - 1: enough = ( True # All images in dataset are looked through then loop will stop ) if require_y[b] <= 0: continue try: outputs = model( a ) # Test whether the original image can be correctly recognized by the ML model _, predictions = torch.max(outputs, 1) if b != predictions.numpy()[0]: continue # Skip unrecognizable original images for adversarial generation except: good_work=True #meaningless word X += [a.numpy()] y += [b] require_y[b] = require_y[b] - 1 # add the image for generating adversarial image further all_zero = True for requ_n in require_y: # check whether the required images are enough if requ_n > 0: all_zero = False break if all_zero: enough = True if dry: enough = True X = np.array(X) y = np.array(y) y = torch.from_numpy(y) # Generate adversarial examples X_advx = attack.generate(X) X_tensor = torch.Tensor(X) X_advx_tensor = torch.Tensor(X_advx) # Create a TensorDataset for the adversarial examples dataset_advx = TensorDataset(torch.Tensor(X_advx), y) # Create a DataLoader for the adversarial examples dataloader_advx = DataLoader( dataset_advx, batch_size=batch_size_attack, shuffle=False, num_workers=num_threads_attack, ) # high num_workers may cause err # Test the model's accuracy on the adversarial examples acc_advx, correct_advx = check_accuracy_with_flags( model, dataloader_advx, device) for i in range(len(correct_advx[0])): # put images in the folder if correct_advx[0][i] == False: transform = T.ToPILImage() X_tensor[i] = denormalize(X_tensor[i]) X_advx_tensor[i] = denormalize(X_advx_tensor[i]) orig_img = transform(X_tensor[i]) advx_img = transform(X_advx_tensor[i]) img_path = ( f"./img{now_time}/{attack_method_list[attack_n][3]}/{para_n}/{y[i]}/fail" ) if not os.path.exists(img_path): os.makedirs(img_path)"{img_path}/{i}orignial.png", "PNG")"{img_path}/{i}advers.png", "PNG") else: transform = T.ToPILImage() X_tensor[i] = denormalize(X_tensor[i]) X_advx_tensor[i] = denormalize(X_advx_tensor[i]) orig_img = transform(X_tensor[i]) advx_img = transform(X_advx_tensor[i]) img_path = ( f"./img{now_time}/{attack_method_list[attack_n][3]}/{para_n}/{y[i]}/succeed" ) if not os.path.exists(img_path): os.makedirs(img_path)"{img_path}/{i}orignial.png", "PNG")"{img_path}/{i}advers.png", "PNG") return acc_advx * 100 # 1.0 represents 100% accuracy