Source code for aiml.attack.adversarial_attacks


This module contains eight adversarial attacks from the ART library:

from art.attacks.evasion import (
import numpy as np

[docs] def auto_projected_cross_entropy( estimator, eps=0.3,batch_size=32, eps_step=0.1, norm=np.inf ): """ Create an Auto Projected Gradient Descent attack instance with cross-entropy loss. Parameters: estimator: The classifier to attack. batch_size (int): Batch size for the attack. norm: Norm to use for the attack. eps (float): Maximum perturbation allowed. eps_step (float): Step size of the attack. Returns: An instance of AutoProjectedGradientDescent. """ return AutoProjectedGradientDescent( estimator=estimator, norm=norm, eps=eps, eps_step=eps_step, max_iter=100, targeted=False, nb_random_init=5, batch_size=batch_size, loss_type="cross_entropy" )
[docs] def auto_projected_difference_logits_ratio( estimator,eps=0.3, batch_size=32, eps_step=0.1,norm=np.inf ): """ Create an Auto Projected Gradient Descent attack instance with difference logits ratio loss. Parameters: estimator: The classifier to attack. batch_size (int): Batch size for the attack. norm: Norm to use for the attack. eps (float): Maximum perturbation allowed. eps_step (float): Step size of the attack. Returns: An instance of AutoProjectedGradientDescent. """ return AutoProjectedGradientDescent( estimator=estimator, norm=norm, eps=eps, eps_step=eps_step, max_iter=100, targeted=False, nb_random_init=5, batch_size=batch_size, loss_type="difference_logits_ratio", )
[docs] def carlini_L0_attack( classifier, confidence=0.0,batch_size=32,learning_rate=0.01, binary_search_steps=10, max_iter=10, targeted=False, initial_const=0.01, mask=None, warm_start=True, max_halving=5, max_doubling=5, verbose=True ): """ Create a Carlini L0 attack instance. Parameters: classifier: The classifier to attack. batch_size (int): Batch size for the attack. confidence (float): Confidence parameter. targeted (bool): Whether the attack is targeted. learning_rate (float): Learning rate for optimization. binary_search_steps (int): Number of binary search steps. max_iter (int): Maximum number of optimization iterations. initial_const (float): Initial constant for optimization. mask: Mask for the attack. warm_start (bool): Whether to use warm-starting. max_halving (int): Maximum number of times to halve the constant. max_doubling (int): Maximum number of times to double the constant. verbose (bool): Whether to display verbose output. Returns: An instance of CarliniL0Method. """ return CarliniL0Method( classifier, confidence, targeted, learning_rate, binary_search_steps, max_iter, initial_const, mask, warm_start, max_halving, max_doubling, batch_size, verbose )
[docs] def carlini_L2_attack( classifier, confidence=0.0,batch_size=32, learning_rate=0.01, binary_search_steps=10, max_iter=10, targeted=False, initial_const=0.01, max_halving=5, max_doubling=5, verbose=True ): """ Create a Carlini L2 attack instance. Parameters: classifier: The classifier to attack. batch_size (int): Batch size for the attack. confidence (float): Confidence parameter. targeted (bool): Whether the attack is targeted. learning_rate (float): Learning rate for optimization. binary_search_steps (int): Number of binary search steps. max_iter (int): Maximum number of optimization iterations. initial_const (float): Initial constant for optimization. max_halving (int): Maximum number of times to halve the constant. max_doubling (int): Maximum number of times to double the constant. verbose (bool): Whether to display verbose output. Returns: An instance of CarliniL2Method. """ return CarliniL2Method( classifier, confidence, targeted, learning_rate, binary_search_steps, max_iter, initial_const, max_halving, max_doubling, batch_size, verbose, )
[docs] def carlini_Linf_attack( classifier, confidence=0.0,batch_size=32, learning_rate=0.01, max_iter=10, targeted=False, decrease_factor=0.9, initial_const=1e-05, largest_const=20.0, const_factor=2.0, verbose=True ): """ Create a Carlini Linf attack instance. Parameters: classifier: The classifier to attack. batch_size (int): Batch size for the attack. confidence (float): Confidence parameter. targeted (bool): Whether the attack is targeted. learning_rate (float): Learning rate for optimization. max_iter (int): Maximum number of optimization iterations. decrease_factor (float): Factor for decreasing the constant. initial_const (float): Initial constant for optimization. largest_const (float): Maximum constant for optimization. const_factor (float): Factor for modifying the constant. verbose (bool): Whether to display verbose output. Returns: An instance of CarliniLInfMethod. """ return CarliniLInfMethod( classifier, confidence, targeted, learning_rate, max_iter, decrease_factor, initial_const, largest_const, const_factor, batch_size, verbose, )
[docs] def deep_fool_attack( classifier,epsilon=1e-06, batch_size=32, max_iter=100, nb_grads=10, verbose=True ): """ Create a Deep Fool attack instance. Parameters: classifier: The classifier to attack. batch_size (int): Batch size for the attack. max_iter (int): Maximum number of iterations. epsilon (float): Perturbation size. nb_grads (int): Number of gradients to compute. verbose (bool): Whether to display verbose output. Returns: An instance of DeepFool. """ return DeepFool( classifier, max_iter,epsilon, nb_grads, batch_size, verbose )
[docs] def pixel_attack( classifier, max_iter=100,th=None, es=1, targeted=False, verbose=True ): """ Create a Pixel Attack instance. Parameters: classifier: The classifier to attack. th: Threshold for attack. es (int): Early stopping criterion. max_iter (int): Maximum number of iterations. targeted (bool): Whether the attack is targeted. verbose (bool): Whether to display verbose output. Returns: An instance of PixelAttack. """ return PixelAttack(classifier, th, es, max_iter, targeted, verbose)
[docs] def square_attack( estimator, eps=0.3,batch_size=32, max_iter=100, norm=np.inf, adv_criterion=None, loss=None, p_init=0.8, nb_restarts=1, verbose=True ): """ Create a Square Attack instance. Parameters: estimator: The estimator to attack. batch_size (int): Batch size for the attack. norm: Norm to use for the attack. adv_criterion: Adversarial criterion for the attack. loss: Loss function for the attack. max_iter (int): Maximum number of iterations. eps (float): Maximum perturbation allowed. p_init (float): Initial perturbation scaling factor. nb_restarts (int): Number of restarts for the attack. verbose (bool): Whether to display verbose output. Returns: An instance of SquareAttack. """ return SquareAttack( estimator, norm, adv_criterion, loss, max_iter, eps, p_init, nb_restarts, batch_size, verbose )
[docs] def zoo_attack( classifier, confidence=0.0,batch_size=32, learning_rate=0.01, max_iter=10, binary_search_steps=1, targeted=False, initial_const=0.001, abort_early=True, use_resize=True, use_importance=True, nb_parallel=128, variable_h=0.0001, verbose=True, ): """ Create a Zoo Attack instance. Parameters: classifier: The classifier to attack. batch_size (int): Batch size for the attack. confidence (float): Confidence parameter. targeted (bool): Whether the attack is targeted. learning_rate (float): Learning rate for optimization. max_iter (int): Maximum number of optimization iterations. binary_search_steps (int): Number of binary search steps. initial_const (float): Initial constant for optimization. abort_early (bool): Whether to abort early during optimization. use_resize (bool): Whether to use resize during optimization. use_importance (bool): Whether to use importance during optimization. nb_parallel (int): Number of parallel threads. variable_h (float): Variable for determining step size. verbose (bool): Whether to display verbose output. Returns: An instance of ZooAttack. """ return ZooAttack( classifier, confidence, targeted, learning_rate, max_iter, binary_search_steps, initial_const, abort_early, use_resize, use_importance, nb_parallel, batch_size, variable_h, verbose )